



freelance writing

/Tag:freelance writing

How Ironman Training Is Helping My Freelance Writing

About three weeks ago, I made a split second decision. I was going to compete in an Ironman. Why not? I run a freelance writing business; I have the time to train. At least, that's my thought. What Is an Ironman? If you don't know what an Ironman competition is, let me break it down. It's a race encompassing three disciplines: swimming, biking, and running. The race is 140.6 miles long and racers have 16 hours to cross the finish line. It's broken down into a: 2.4-mile swim 112-mile bike [...]

By | June 17th, 2016|Blog, Content, Digital Marketing, Freelance, Writing|1 Comment

How to Stay Focused as a Freelancer

In a world of instant gratification, a myriad of distractions, and a higher workload, the ability to stay focused has become more important than ever. It's especially important for a freelance writer, or anyone in the freelancing business to keep their focus. Since according to the Huffington Post, 34% of the workforce in America are now freelancing, figuring out how to stay on track, get work done, and be efficient is vital to success. To be perfectly honest, staying focused as a freelance writer is incredibly difficult. I can't tell [...]

By | August 10th, 2015|Blog, Content, Freelance, Personal, Writing|Comments Off on How to Stay Focused as a Freelancer

The Life of an Aspiring Author

I've been an aspiring author for seven years, seven months, and twenty-five days. I've written over three-hundred thousand words. I've worked on six different stories. And I have completed exactly zero novels. There is no honest way that I can say I'm proud of myself. There's no reason why I shouldn't have a completed book by this point. You've heard of serial entrepreneurs, I'm a serial wannabe writer. I'll work on something, write thousands of words, be happy with it, hit a road block, and then toss the whole thing in [...]

By | July 21st, 2015|Blog, Personal, Writing|Comments Off on The Life of an Aspiring Author

7 Tips to Work with a Ghostwriter

The past few months have been an incredible learning experience. I've dived into freelance writing with both feet and immersed myself in a world unlike any I've ever known. The great news is that I'm not alone. There are an incredible amount of freelance writers making a living in the field. It means fierce competition, but it also means other writers can understand my struggle. Ghostwriting has been unexpectedly difficult. It's what I want to do and I'm skilled at ghostwriting, but to be honest, I've discovered that many individuals and [...]

By | July 10th, 2015|Blog, Content, Creative, Digital Marketing, Freelance, Writing|2 Comments