





10 Useful Resources for Writers

When you're a writer, the Internet is your best friend and the bane of your existence. It can either swallow your time with social media, funny comics, and news or it can help you research, learn, and grow more than you thought possible. It's all about how you spend your time online. Let's be brutally honest for a second. Getting distracted by the Internet is probably more likely. It's just so easy. But, when you know where to go, it's a resource like no other. I've compiled my 10 favorite resources [...]

By | May 23rd, 2016|Blog, Content, Creative, Writing|2 Comments

9 Content Writing & Client Satisfaction Tips

The biggest struggle of any freelancer, any business, is client satisfaction. Sometimes it can feel like you are doing your very best, and yet nothing you do is good enough. And unfortunately, sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours. When it comes to content writing, sometimes I hit it the nail on the head, and sometimes I fail. As a freelancer, failure is the worst. There's no one to blame but yourself. If they don't like your content writing, it feels like a reflection on your entire being. Failure [...]

By | September 1st, 2015|Blog, Content, Digital Marketing, Freelance, Writing|Comments Off on 9 Content Writing & Client Satisfaction Tips

World Building 101

There's nothing more fun than world building when writing a story. To be able to create a new world that no one has ever seen or entered before is beyond exciting. There are countless elements that go into world building—some of them easy and some of them difficult. It's when all those elements and pieces come together that you finally have a viable world. So where should you start when world building? Genre Let's be honest, the genre of your story is going to greatly affect your world building. If [...]

By | August 17th, 2015|Blog, Creative, Writing|Comments Off on World Building 101

11 Steps to Write a Great Blog

I need you to write a great blog. What does that even mean? Who's grading the blog to determine whether it's great? What level of greatness is expected? Everyone blogs nowadays, is a great blog even possible? It's true, blogging is a pervasive part of business. What it takes to write a great blog today is not what it took just a few years ago. There's no secret formula to help you write a great blog, but there are definitely key elements that every blog has no matter who is writing it. [...]

By | August 7th, 2015|Blog, Content, Digital Marketing, SEO, Writing|3 Comments

30 Reasons to Write a Book

I can't say that I've always wanted to write a book. I've always loved books. Since I was a young child, I've read anything I could get my hands on. First, I loved books about animals. As I got older, I started liking fantasy and darker fiction. After that, I fell in love with urban fantasy and dystopian. I'll still read almost anything you put in front of me and as long as the writing is compelling, the characters are interesting, and the plot is spell-binding, you've got me hooked. [...]

By | August 3rd, 2015|Blog, Personal, Writing|Comments Off on 30 Reasons to Write a Book

Writing a Novel Outline

I love to come up with novel ideas. Completing a novel, on the other hand, tends to be far more difficult. What always trips me up is the lack of a novel outline. I have a great idea, I think I know where I'm taking it, and then I get lost. In the past, it's been an endlessly frustrating cycle that goes something like this: I have this great idea for a new story. YAY! Let's get started right away. Okay, chapter 1. Wow, I'm impressed by how well this [...]

By | July 27th, 2015|Blog, Creative, Writing|Comments Off on Writing a Novel Outline

The Life of an Aspiring Author

I've been an aspiring author for seven years, seven months, and twenty-five days. I've written over three-hundred thousand words. I've worked on six different stories. And I have completed exactly zero novels. There is no honest way that I can say I'm proud of myself. There's no reason why I shouldn't have a completed book by this point. You've heard of serial entrepreneurs, I'm a serial wannabe writer. I'll work on something, write thousands of words, be happy with it, hit a road block, and then toss the whole thing in [...]

By | July 21st, 2015|Blog, Personal, Writing|Comments Off on The Life of an Aspiring Author

7 Tips to Work with a Ghostwriter

The past few months have been an incredible learning experience. I've dived into freelance writing with both feet and immersed myself in a world unlike any I've ever known. The great news is that I'm not alone. There are an incredible amount of freelance writers making a living in the field. It means fierce competition, but it also means other writers can understand my struggle. Ghostwriting has been unexpectedly difficult. It's what I want to do and I'm skilled at ghostwriting, but to be honest, I've discovered that many individuals and [...]

By | July 10th, 2015|Blog, Content, Creative, Digital Marketing, Freelance, Writing|2 Comments

How To Write a Story: Finding Your Story

In my blog How To Write a Story: An Overview I briefly and generically covered the difficulty of finding a story you can and should write. Since this is one of the areas where writers struggle the most, the following blog breaks it down further. Discovering Your Story Type The first step to finding your story is discovering the type of story you want to tell; this is a multifaceted process. The type of story you decide to write will inform the length, content, research, and style. There are endless types of stories, [...]

By | July 1st, 2015|Blog, Content, Creative, Writing|1 Comment

How To Write a Story: An Overview

Have  you ever wondered about how to write a story? There's nothing better than sitting down at your computer, opening a blank Word document, and staring at your screen for the next ten hours. It's a simple life to be sure, but one that many writers know all too well. My computer and I often get into staring matches. Unfortunately, I lose more often than I would like, but I swear, one day my screen WILL blink first. I digress. So you want to know how to write a story? [...]

By | June 29th, 2015|Blog, Content, Creative, Short Story, Writing|Comments Off on How To Write a Story: An Overview