



Short Story

//Short Story

How To Write a Story: An Overview

Have  you ever wondered about how to write a story? There's nothing better than sitting down at your computer, opening a blank Word document, and staring at your screen for the next ten hours. It's a simple life to be sure, but one that many writers know all too well. My computer and I often get into staring matches. Unfortunately, I lose more often than I would like, but I swear, one day my screen WILL blink first. I digress. So you want to know how to write a story? [...]

By | June 29th, 2015|Blog, Content, Creative, Short Story, Writing|Comments Off on How To Write a Story: An Overview

JukePop Serials: Summer Writing Project

This summer I've decided to do something a little different and a little special. Starting last week, my novella, Shadow Between, can be found online on JukePop right here! So far, only chapter one is available to read, but that's what is so exciting. This will be a serial novella, meaning that every few weeks, I'll upload a new chapter for your reading pleasure. You'll get the opportunity to read my story as it's created. That means you can let me know what you think as you read, make requests for what you [...]

By | June 15th, 2015|Blog, Creative, Personal, Short Story, Writing|Comments Off on JukePop Serials: Summer Writing Project

Novella Sneak Peek: Shadow Riddle

I've been working on a novella the last few weeks. One day, I was just sitting at my computer and the premise jumped into my head. I loved the idea, it sounded fun, and so it began. The following are in rough draft format so please excuse any errors. Premise The Between Lands lie in small pockets between the human realm. Here, magic thrives and every fairytale, myth, and deity lives as a part of the Fae races. When these two worlds collide chaos is inevitable, which is why the inhabitants of the [...]

By | May 28th, 2015|Blog, Creative, Short Story, Writing|Comments Off on Novella Sneak Peek: Shadow Riddle

Writing a Short Story

Short Story (noun): 1. An invented prose narrative, shorter than a novel, usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot. —Merriam-Webster's Unabridged Dictionary I love short stories. They are typically under 10,000 words and give you a freedom to create any type of story imaginable. With a short story, a lot of the conventions of a typical novel can be thrown out the window. That makes it incredibly fun and incredibly difficult. Just like any writing, [...]

By | May 12th, 2015|Blog, Personal, Short Story, Writing|Comments Off on Writing a Short Story